How to Add an Article Gallery to Your WordPress Site

How to Add an Article Gallery to Your WordPress Site

Image galleries are a well-known method of displaying images on the internet. However, WordPress article galleries are less often seen despite their value in advertising featured content and boosting readers’ engagement.

With the new templates add-on to WordPress RSS Aggregator, making an article gallery on your WordPress website is simpler than ever. With this helpful tool, you can make it easier to browse your news, blog website, or similar online content hubs.

In this article, we’ll review some reasons to incorporate an article gallery into your WordPress website. We’ll also walk you through how to do this using the WP RSS Aggregator Templates. Let’s go!

Why You May Want To Incorporate An Article Gallery On Your WordPress Site

Similar to image galleries like an image gallery, article galleries can be an appealing method to highlight content on your WordPress website. A grid-like layout allows users to provide readers with an idea of the features each post featured offers, such as the featured images as well as short portions of their text:

It makes it easy for users to peruse your content. They can scan each tile quickly to find the content they’re searching for. Thiss could keep visitors interested and inspire users to visit your site for longer.

Furthermore, you can focus on specific themes by deciding on particular articles to put in your collection. If you’re looking to make your mark with the most efficient content you can offer or promote sponsored posts to boost sales or highlight high-converting content to attract viewers’ galleries, a gallery will aid you.

How To Add An Article Gallery To Your WordPress Site (In 4 Steps)

Creating a gallery-style layout for your blog posts is typically a matter of choosing a theme with this feature. However, the latest templates plugin to the WP RSS Aggregator allows users to stick with their current WordPress theme and display their posts in a gallery format. Plus, you can do this in just four easy steps.

Step 1: Acquire the WP RSS Aggregator And The Templates Add-On

There are two tools you’ll require to build your WordPress gallery of articles. The first one is the WP RSS Aggregator.

The image alt=”The WP RSS Aggregator Plguin.” src=””/>

This plugin allows you to display and import feeds on your site. It can be used for various applications and can be modified with the help of various extensions. One extension that can be used is Templates:

Image alt=”The WordPress RSS Aggregator add-on Templates for the plugin.” src=””/>

When paired with the WP RSS Aggregator, this plugin lets you display different types of content, including posts or articles – in pre-designed layouts. You can add these functions to your WordPress website in two ways.

The first choice is to mix the WP version for free with RSS Aggregator with The Templates add-on. This is the best option for current WP RSS users. The plugin is available on the WordPress Plugin Directory, and Templates are available for $39 per year.

The most economical option is to buy the Premium WP RSS Aggregator Plan. The basic plan is just $59 a year, including Categories, Keyword Filtering, and Templates additional features.

After your purchase, you’ll receive an email with your add-on download(s) and the license key(s). Visit the WordPress dashboard and ensure you have installed the WP RSS Aggregator and activated it. Afterward, go to the Plugins tab, then Create New & Upload the Plugin.

You can download the Templates extension .zip file to your computer, then install it and activate it. After that, you’ll get a notice for you to input your license number:

Image alt=”A notice via the Templates add-on that allows you to insert the license number.” src=””/>

Click on the appropriate link or go via the RSS Aggregator’s Settings page and click on Licensesto accomplish this:

Image alt=”Adding an authorization key into the WP RSS Aggregator Templates.” src=””/>

Click the activate license button to begin using the WP RSS Aggregator templates.

Step 2: Set Up Your RSS Feed To Display Your Desired Posts

Before making your personal WordPress blog, you must create an RSS feed to display your blog posts. Head through the WP RSS Aggregator, then Feed Sources and Add New.

Image alt=”Adding an additional feed source to WP RSS Aggregator.” src=””/>

Within the URL field, type in the URL of your website, a particular category, or another website you’d like to get content from. After that, click “Validate Feed” under the box to confirm that the URL you input will result in a feed that works.

You can alter the feed source’s settings if you’ve got an authentic URL. There are numerous options on this page, but a few notable ones include:

  • The limit of HTML0. Determine the number of posts that the should be able to store at any one time.
  • Link Source. Include a hyperlink to the source. This is highly recommended when taking information from other websites.
  • Featured Image. Choose how the feed determines the image that will be used as the featured image for your item. You can also create an initial featured image that you apply to all or just a few things.

Click”Publish Feed” in blue. “Publish Feed” button after you’re finished. You’ll see an array of items displayed within the Feed Preview widget on just to the left side of the main editor after the feed has been published:

Image alt=”Adding an entirely new source of feed in the WP RSS Aggregator.” src=””/>

All you have to do is to display the feed using an appropriate gallery template.

Step 3: Create A New Article Gallery Template

Once you have your feed source established Once you have your feed source in place, head through the WP RSS Aggregator, Templates, and Add New to configure your gallery layout. Name the template and select the template type in the dropdown menu.

Image alt=”Setting up a brand new WP RSS template.” src=””/>

It is possible to display your feed’s contents in a grid, list, excerpts, or thumbnails. Grid templates provide you with the traditional gallery-style layout. But, the excerpts and thumbnails option is also helpful:

The image alt=”The Excerpts and Thumbnails Template for WP RSS Aggregator.” src=””/>

You’ll need to decide the details each item in your gallery of articles should show. Your choices will differ according to the type of template you’re employing, but generally, these consist of the following:

  • The original article is linked. Article.
  • The post’s original publication date
  • The name of the feed source
  • A picture or thumbnail
  • A short excerpt from the article

When you’re satisfied with your design, Click the blue button to publish. Button.

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