How To Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error

How To Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error

When websites are concerned, there are lots of errors that could be a bit confusing and frustrating. The most common errors that pop into thoughts are black screen or the frightful error in establishing the connection to a database.

However, a more well-known one is the wrong gateway issue. Why? Because it happens all the time across the internet and not just to WordPress websites but to the most popular services like Gmail, Twitter, and Cloudflare.

Learn more about the causes that the cause of this error is and options to solve it.

What is a 502 Bad Gateway Error?

“502 Bad Gateway error specifically means that the server received an error by an outbound server.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) defines the 502 Bad Gateway error as:

A 502 (Bad Gateway) status code signifies that the computer, acting as a proxy or gateway, received an incorrect response from the server it was attempting to satisfy your request.

Each when you visit a site, your browser sends a request web server. The server takes in and processes the request and then returns the requested resources, along with an HTTP header as well as an HTTP status. The majority of the time, the HTTP status code isn’t visible when something is wrong. It’s basically a way for servers to let you know that something is wrong and the instructions on how to identify it.

Error Code 502 Bad Gateway Error

Error Type Server-side error

Error Variations “502 Bad Gateway”

“Error 502”

“HTTP Error 502 – Bad Gateway”

“502 Service Temporarily Overloaded”

“502 Proxy Error”

White screen with a blank background

“502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.”

“HTTP 502”

Temporary Error (502)

502. This is a mistake.

502 bad Cloudflare gateway

Bad Gateway A proxy server got an incorrect reply from the upstream server

Error Causes Server overloaded

Problems with browsers

DNS issues

Web host issues

The firewall blocks

Themes and plugins are not working correctly.

There are a variety of error code 500 (500, 501, 502 fifty3 500, 504 500, 508, 520 etc.) that all have different meanings.

This indicates that the request was approved. However, the server impeded the fulfillment of the request.

Check Out Our Video Guide to Fixing Different Types of 500 Errors

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What Causes the 502 Bad Gateway Error?

The most likely causes for this 502 Bad Gateway are:

  1. Server overload The server was overwhelmed and crashed, which caused an HTTP error code 502. Possible causes could be a sudden increase in traffic or memory issues.
  2. Browser issues: your browser version is out of date, or there are corrupted files in the cache of your browser.
  3. Blocks firewalls: Your firewall could detect false threats and blocking Internet providers as well as IP addresses.

502 Bad Gateway Error Variations

502 bad gateway error in Chrome

Due to the variety of internet browsers and web servers, and operating systems, the 502 bad gateway error could appear in a variety of possible ways. However, they all share an identical meaning. Here are a few of the various versions you could see on the internet:

  • “502 Bad Gateway”
  • “Error 502”
  • “HTTP Error 502 – Bad Gateway”
  • “502 Service Temporarily Overloaded”
  • “502 Proxy Error”
  • Blank white screens
  • “502 Server Error: The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.”
  • “HTTP 502”
  • Temporary Error (502)
  • 502. This is a mistake.
  • 502 bad Cloudflare gateway
  • Bad Gateway Afflicted by a Bad Gateway proxy server received an incorrect reply from the upstream server

Another possibility is a “502 server error.”

502 server error in Chrome

Here’s a different variation. “502 Web server received an incorrect response when acting as proxy server or gateway. There’s a problem on the webpage you’re looking for, and it’s not able to be displayed. If it was the Web server (while acting as a proxy or gateway) called the content server got an incorrect reply from the server that contained it.”

502- web server received an invalid response

Other services, like Twitter, may even show an entirely different message to the 502 Bad Gateway error, such as “Twitter is over capacity.” This certainly looks like a bit more user-friendly.

Twitter is over capacity (Img src: Softpedia )

And here’s a quick snapshot of the way Google shows it. “502. It’s an error. The server experienced a temporary error and could not finish your request. Try again in 30 seconds. This is all we know.”

Google 502 error

502 Errors Impact on SEO

Contrary to the 503 errors, they are utilized to enable WordPress maintenance mode and instruct Google to return at a later date. The error 502 could cause a negative impact to SEO when it is not addressed promptly. If your website is down for 10 minutes and is being crawled continuously, most of the time, the crawler will get the page from the cache. In some cases, Google might not even get an opportunity to re-crawl the page until it is back online. If this happens, it’s fine.

However, if your site is down for a prolonged duration, like six hours or more, Google could interpret the error 502 as a site-wide issue that requires attention. This can affect your ranking. If you’re concerned about repeat 502 errors, you need to determine the reason why they occur at all. The solutions listed below might aid you.


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