When purchasing soaps to use in your home, there are many factors that you should consider. Consider the cost, color, or brand of soaps, among other factors.
Should you choose antibacterial soap over plain soap when you compare these properties? Do you think that antibacterial soap will make your family safer than simple soap?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has yet to find conclusive evidence that antibacterial soaps prevent illness better than regular soap and warm water. Depending on your intended use, you should still consider several factors.
What is antibacterial soap?
Antibacterial soaps, also known as antiseptic or antimicrobial soaps, contain chemicals that are not found in regular soap. These chemicals are added to prevent or reduce bacterial infections.
The combination of water and plain soap can loosen the grip on almost all surface bacteria. These soaps have polar and nonpolar properties, which make bacteria more easily dissolve. It removes bacteria from surfaces, but it does not kill or stop them.
The antibacterial soap can be made with a chemical known as triclosan or triclocarban. This chemical is not found in ordinary soap. This chemical is used to prevent the growth of bacteria.
However, the FDA has yet to find any evidence that this method is more effective in preventing illness.
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Antibacterial soap uses
The antibacterial soaps on the market are advertised as being able to kill pathogens and prevent bacterial growth.
You can find triclosan in many products. Add it to clothing, toys, and furniture to stop bacteria from contaminating them. It is a long-term exposure.
In 2013, the FDA released a rule requiring safety information on antibacterial soaps. The FDA’s final decision on antiseptic liquids and bar soaps, as well as body washes and foams, came after extensive research. They were told to stop making certain marketing claims. The products had not been shown to be any more effective at preventing infections than soap and water, and there were no data on the safety of prolonged exposure to antibiotic chemicals.
Antibacterial soaps are generally:
- Can be recommended for healthcare settings
- It is not required in homes or businesses unless a healthcare provider gives it
- Plain soap is no more effective at killing germs than this product.
- Surface bacteria must be left on the skin for at least 2 minutes before any effect can be seen.
Simple soaps are available:
- Use in non-healthcare environments
- It is very easy to obtain
- Antimicrobial soaps are less expensive
Is antibacterial soap better?
Antibiotic soaps have a few pros: They are available in many stores and can be used to kill harmful bacteria. They can kill good bacteria, but they also have a negative effect on the skin. Their added chemicals may strip your skin of natural oils and cause it to become dry. Antibacterial soaps can also give people a false impression of cleanliness and cause them to wash less often.
For non-healthcare environments in the home and public, plain soap is recommended unless a physician prescribes antibacterial. Antibacterial soaps do not kill germs as effectively outside of a sterilized healthcare environment.
Handwashing thoroughly is most often the key to preventing germs.
Bar Soap vs Liquid Soap
For hand washing, liquid soap is preferable to bar soap. Sharing soap is not likely to cause the spread of germs from person to person. A moisturizing agent is also added to liquid hand soaps so that your skin will not dry out from frequent handwashing.
The use of bar soap is less common because germs are easily spread between people and can grow on their surfaces. Bar soap is fine to use at home if there are no skin infections, but it should not be promoted in public places.
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Antibacterial Soap Dangers
Scientists believe that antibacterial soaps can create bacteria resistant to antibiotics. According to lab studies, the chemical triclosan contributes to bacteria resistance to antibiotics. This could have an impact on future medical treatments.
Triclosan is also a concern for many environmental, regulatory, and academic groups. Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters the way hormones function in your body. This raises concern about possible effects on humans. Further research is required.
How to Clean Your Hands Effectively
Approximately 95% of adult wash their hands wrongly. Follow these steps to ensure your hands are always clean.
- You can wet your hands in warm or cold water.
- As per the instructions of the manufacturer, apply soap directly to your hands.
- For at least 20 seconds, scrub the palms, the backs of the fingers, and the inner spaces between the fingernails.
- Avoid over-scrubbing to prevent cracks, which could allow bacteria in.
- Rinse thoroughly
- Dry your hands with a clean towel
- Use a moisturizer to prevent cracks caused by dryness
What about hand sanitizers?
Hand sanitizers can make people think they do not have to wash their hands as thoroughly or as often.
Hand sanitizers with 60% alcohol can be a good alternative to soap and water when they are not available. Sanitizers are a good Antimicrobial, but they do not remove all germs. They should not be used when there is visible dirt or grease on the hands.
The CDC recommends the following for both adults and children in regards to the use of hand sanitizers:
- Hand sanitizer should be applied to all hand surfaces.
- Rub the sanitizer all over your hands, including your fingers and fingertips.
- Continue to rub your hands for 20 seconds or so until they are completely dry.
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