Hand Washing and the Corona Virus

Hand Washing and the Corona Virus

In the wake of COVID-19 (coronavirus), We’ve been receiving a lot of inquiries about handwashing, soap, and the skin that is irritated (from every wash). We want to provide an overview for anyone who may have similar concerns.

There are two organizations: the CDC and WHO suggest washing your hands regularly (and at least every other day) to protect yourself against the spread of germs. But, if using a soap bar or commercial soap/gel, too much washing may cause the skin to dry out and crack.

Cleaning with a more nutritious bar, such as our handmade soaps, can keep your skin healthy and clean. The dryness quality balm or salve, like our Miti salve or body butter, can alleviate excessive dryness.

From the COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment webpage:

Hands should be cleaned frequently using detergent and soap for at least 20 seconds, preferably after you use the bathroom, prior to eating, and also after you’ve blown your nose, coughed, or sneezed.

When soap and water aren’t readily available, then use an alcohol-based hand cleanser that contains at minimum 60 percent alcohol. Always wash your hands with hand soap and water If your hands are clearly filthy.

What happens to masks? What is the best option if I get sick or get sick? Is this an actual threat?

The first thing to remember is that we’re not doctors. Our job is to make soap. If you’re sick, consult your physician and take their suggestions. If you’re experiencing (mis)information overwhelm about the virus due to all the coverage in the media, check out this information that was provided to us. It’s laid out in a straightforward structure to make it easier for you to take in the massive amount of information regarding the outbreak.

More resources and details on hand washing

  • Show Me the Science – Why Wash Your Hands? | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Hand hygiene’s effect on the risk of infection in the community A Meta-analysis. | US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
  • Bacterial Hand Contamination as well as Transfer following the Use of contaminated Bulk-Soap Refillable Dispensers | US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
  • Antibacterial Soap? You Can Skip It, Use Plain Soap and Water | FDA

Keep your body healthy and clean for everyone!


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