How of Republishing Blog Posts

How of Republishing Blog Posts

Most likely, you need to take the time to read all the five blog articles CMI publishes each week. Our statistics show that the majority of our readers still need to. We’re not angry, and we understand it.

Perhaps you were incredibly busy the other day. The subject or headline may not match your needs when the email came in. Or you never read the article in any way. It’s easy to forget even excellent articles when all the information comes from various sources.

This is the reason why the CMI editorial team tried the idea of republishing some time ago. Michele Linn wrote a blog explaining the republishing method in 2017, which is still alive and getting more traffic, but less than it did in the past.

In keeping with the original idea, I’m building on her ideas to include some nuances we’ve discovered in the intervening time and provide quelques examples of the debate.

We republish blog articles because we want to.

Republishing articles helps bring our readers back to good tips that are still pertinent. We gain more mileage from the pieces without the hassle of writing the content from scratch. It’s a win for both our team as well as our readers.

  • Refreshes the catalog of content. CMI content goes back to 2008. Certain pieces still getting the most traffic from search engines need to be updated to stay relevant. Republishing allows us to update the content and put it to those unfamiliar with the CMI CMI audience or who have not seen the original publication.
  • Improves or maintains results from searches. Sometimes, an old post is ranked in search results and drives many visitors. If it has declined in CTRs, high bounce rates, and other issues that could affect our position in the search rankings for the keyword, we make another version of the post, updating the content when needed and using the most current date within the URL. If the logic is there, it is possible to redirect the original post to the latest version (more on this later).
  • The calendar fills in the editorial calendar ahead of the busy periods. During our annual events, such as ContentTECH Summit and Content Marketing World, the regular duties of our team alter. Still, our blog’s publishing frequency varies as we republish a few blog posts during those times.

Republishing old articles (even including updates) is quicker than creating (and editing) articles from scratch. Following the ContentTECH Summit 2019, ContentTECH Summit 2019, three pieces republished during the event quickly appeared in the “current hits” widget, which lists the most viewed articles from the last three months.

  • It highlights something fresh. The Chief Content Officer transitioned to a completely digital service in 2019; we wished to offer our blog’s audience members who might have yet to be CCO subscribers the chance to try out the magazine’s content.

This article about automated written taken from April’s issue …

and republished it on the CMI blog …

and designed and created a CTA asking readers to look at the CCO’s brand new.


What is the reason we republish instead of changing the URL of the original

CMI’s blog URLs are accompanied by the month and year of publication. Ouch. Even if we add the most innovative new tips, specific examples, and “10x” ed information, the URL displayed on the SERP shows the date of publication used initially.

If your URL contains the date of publication, You may need to update the URL so that it’s current according to @KMoutsos on @cmicontent. #contentmarketing CLICK TO TWEETWould you instead go to the article that had a 2020 date or one with a date of 2016? (If you answered both, please stay with me. I’ll come back to that and also answer the questions it raises regarding duplicate content and redirecting posts.)


What are the best articles to republish?

The process used by CMI for republishing is precisely the same as how it was done when it first began two years ago.

We determine which posts bring more email subscribers to our lists. We look at the social-share and traffic performance (I usually look back on a year). Audits of content can help identify potential candidates for republishing.

Recently, I widened the review period from the previous year to the last few years. Analyzing which content was popular in 2015 and 2016 revealed several exciting treasures. (To accomplish this, I adjusted the date range of those relevant Google Analytics reports to focus on 2015 or 2016.)

Michele recommends keeping a regular list of the posts you want to republish on your calendar of editorials. The process involves keeping track of the following information:

  • Name: Headline from the original post.
  • Author Author’s permission to publish their position (and whether they want to make changes).
  • Date of publication: We typically wait at least one year between the original and new posts.
  • NOTES: Detail what modifications may be required to be.

Let me address a few questions I’m sure you have.


  • A Simple-to-Do Content Audit With 6 Questions
  • How to Find and Reuse Your Best Content [Tools]

Should you republish articles without changing them?

We’ve done it, however, only if the advice and information remain current and accurate. We verify (and make changes to) links, titles, and other data to ensure the republished article is current and accurate. A note from the editor is included at the top of the page to explain that this is a republished article.


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