How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress

There are times when you’ll encounter situations where you need to create a post or page that is identical (or almost the same) to an existing page or post on your website.

If the page or post is very long or contains a large amount of media, the process of creating all the content over again could be very difficult. Additionally, if you’ve got many posts that appear to appear very similar to each other, It can be extremely frustrating to manually write every word of your content or copy and paste all of the media files needed to make new pages or posts.

One possibility is to open the current post (for convenience and convenience, we’ll be using “post” to refer to pages and posts here) in a single open browser tab or window and then create a new post in a second window and switch between two of them by copying and pasting your content. In the end, the most recent ( post-Gutenbergversions of WordPress allow this simple and includes a “Copy all content” option that you can use.

However, if you must repeat this process repeatedly, there’s a chance of making mistakes. What happens if you edit the original post, thereby overriding the original content that you’ve already uploaded to your website? If you’ve got many articles to copy and forget which ones you’ve written?

It could be an issue.

  • How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress, the Semi-Manual Way
  • How to duplicate the same Page or Post on WordPress by using a plugin
  • How to Duplicate Posts or Pages in Bulk
  • Write Your Own Post Duplication Plugin

However, there is a simpler method. There are free plugins that allow you to create duplicates of your content and pages, which means you can modify and alter them to create posts that look similar to your current content.

How to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress:

It is easy to duplicate pages or posts as well as create custom post types within WordPress by using one of the plugins listed below:

  • Duplicate posts It includes a “Clone” link to each page or post within WordPress’ admin. WordPress admin.
  • Duplicate Page plug-in The plugin includes the “Duplicate This” link under each page, post or post type that you choose to customize.
  • WordPress Bulk Duplicator This plugin allows you to duplicate pages or posts in large quantities.

If you’re using WooCommerce and want to duplicate your items, just move your cursor over an item, and you’ll be able to see a duplicate link under the product.


In this article, we’ll provide you with a few ways you can accomplish this, and also provide a list of the top tools for this task.However, first, we’ll demonstrate how to duplicate a post or page in WordPress using a semi-manual method without the need for a plugin. This requires the process of copying and pasting. WordPress makes it easy to accomplish this, especially when you have only one post to copy. It’s likely to be faster than installing the plugin and then doing it in this manner.

Do you need to make a number of pages or posts that are exactly the same? Don’t spend your time starting from scratch. Duplicate ’em all!CLICK TO TWEETHow to Duplicate a Page or Post in WordPress, the Semi-Manual Way

This approach is more efficient for those who only have one article to duplicate since it will save you time in installing the plugin. If you have a lot of posts that you want to duplicate, I’d strongly suggest not using this section. You’ll be able to be able to do it faster and, in addition, more precisely, to utilize the plugin.

If you’re one of those who only need to duplicate a single page or post, Here’s how you can repeat it.

Start by opening the current blog or page. Be sure that you don’t have a particular block selected by either clicking outside a block within your post or choosing your document tab from the editing pane on the right. If you select a block, WordPress will just copy the content of that block but not the whole document.

Then, click on the ellipsis located at the upper right corner of the screen for editing (three dots placed on top of one another).

The copy all content option in WordPress

A menu will be displayed. At the bottom of this menu, you’ll be able to see the copy all content option. When you click it, you’ll be notified that you that your content was copied.

Now, create a new post. Give your post a name, and then enter the title into the first block of text that has been made to be edited on the screen. Make use of the shortcut keys to paste on the keyboard (Ctrl + V on a PC or Cmd +V on Mac) or Cmd + V on a Mac, or right-click to choose Paste from the shortcut menu which appears.

The contents of your old post will appear in the new post. Magic! (OK, maybe it’s not.)

Then you can modify the post to make it distinct from the earlier post. This is something that I strongly recommend doing, as there’s not any point in posting blogs that have exactly duplicates of one another on your website. This can make visitors confused. However, it’s also harmful to SEO.

But what happens if you wish to make multiple copies of your article? Continue reading…

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How do you duplicate a Page and Post on WordPress with a Plugin

The fastest, most simple, and most reliable method to duplicate posts is using the plugin. This can save you time, eliminate mistakes made by humans, as well as let you duplicate any type of post you want. In our experience, duplicate posts are often more frequent with custom types of posts. It’s not common to find 2 blog entries that look nearly identical to one another. However, it’s typical for items in stores such as.

Here are a few plugins that make duplicate posts easy. They also provide instructions on how to use these plugins.


You might wonder why it’s odd to have put WooCommerce, considering it’s an eCommerce plugin that is not a post duplicate plugin.

However, it’s important to note that WooCommerce allows you to duplicate items without the need for an additional plugin. Before you begin searching for a plugin that duplicates posts and then uses it to duplicate your products, make use of the features included with WooCommerce.

If you visit the main page of products in WooCommerce and you hover your mouse over a product, there will be a duplicate link underneath the post.

The WooCommerce duplicate product option

Click on the duplicate hyperlink, and the brand-new creation will take place. You’ll be brought directly to the edit screen for the new product, so you can edit the new product before publishing it.

It’s important to note that the name of that new model will match the slug of the older product with the -copy added. So, even if you alter the title of the new product, you’ll need to change the slug.

Editing a duplicated product

Duplicate Post Plugin

Duplicate Post is the most well-known plugin to duplicate posts, with more than 3 million users downloading it.

Once activated, the plugin will add the Clone Link to each post within the main screen for Posts in the WordPress administrator.

The Duplicate Post plugin

Click to click the Clone button underneath the post you’d like to duplicate. A duplicate post is made to your specifications with the same contents and title as well as a Draft status.

Then you can edit the new post and then give it a different title (something I would strongly recommend to do – WordPress lets you duplicate titles, but it’s not an ideal experience for users).

It also provides the same Clone link to pages as well as specific post type types (if you have them enabled by changing the options).


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