How to Duplicate Page in WordPress?

How to Duplicate Page in WordPress?

Duplicating a WordPress page is very easy to do. Let’s see:

Duplicating a page in WordPress can be more useful than creating a brand-new one. You can copy all the information from a post or page, including its author, category, tags, metadata, and SEO elements.

It’s easy to duplicate a single page by following a few simple, straightforward steps.

Install the Duplicate Page Plugin

You can access the WordPress Admin dashboard for your website by clicking on this link:

Click on Plugins in the left-hand navigation menu.

Duplicate Page is the plugin you’re looking for. The Duplicate Page plugin will help you duplicate posts/pages with one click.

Install the plugin on your WordPress website by clicking Install Now.

Click on Activate to activate the plugin.

Check if the Duplicate page has been added to the list of WordPress plugins after activating the plugin.

Configure the Duplicate Page Plugin

To access the settings for the Duplicate Page Plugin, click on Settings -> Duplicate Page in the left-hand navigation menu of your WordPress Admin dashboard.

You can also choose the Duplicate post status as a second option. This is how duplicated posts/pages will be displayed on your website.

You have two options:

  • Save the page or post it in draft form until you are ready to publish it.
  • Publish (directly publishing the cloned page or post).
  • Private (set cloned page or posts as confidential and only accessible through login)
  • Pending (schedule a page or a position to be published later)

Keep your new post/page in Draft status in case you want to recheck it before you hit Publish.

Step 3: duplicate a page

Select the page that you wish to copy from the Posts section of the left-hand Customizer menu.

In this case, we chose to duplicate the About page.

You’ll find the option to repeat the page when you hover your mouse over it.

You can instantly duplicate the original page by clicking on Duplicate this:

You can see that we have saved the page as a draft and not as a published one. The Duplicate Page Plugin settings we adjusted included a Draft status option for the duplicated page.

After we have checked that the page is ready for publication, we can alter its status. Publish it as you would any other page on your list.

Here is an example of a duplicate page.

Demo site in ColibriWP

The elements of the new page are identical to those on the original.

That’s it. Now you know how to duplicate WordPress pages for your website. This article should help you to easily quote posts and pages whenever you want to copy and work with an existing content pattern.

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