WordPress simplifies life for bloggers, small-sized businesses, and news sites of all sizes. It automatically applies best practices implemented in many instances, such as canonical links, and it has plugins to cover almost everything you’ll need.
The ease with which you can publish content as well as design there is also a new issue:
Duplicate content.
Content duplication is the most common reason the WordPress website will not be found.
While it’s not what we typically refer to in SEO by the term duplicate content (an exact copy of the content from words to code), It’s identical and should be dealt with.
Below are five of the most frequent duplicate content problems in WordPress and the best way to address these issues.
Tags can be a big issue for a lot of WordPress websites. When you tag an article, it creates a separate page with other pieces you believe are pertinent.
The page will include short excerpts of articles or complete articles. If your tag appears identical to a category or the main page on your main website (assuming that it’s otherwise not blog-related), You’ve made a competition to that page on your site.
Tags can also be altered versions, creating highly similar content that can challenge itself.
None of the pages will be listed in this case, which could likely devalue the website.
It’s a good thing! It’s a simple fix.
You can obliterate the tags or include the meta robots noindex dofollow.
The follow no index tag tells search engines it’s a thin site; however, if you use the links, they index and crawl your website.
Search engines now know that the page could be more helpful than the others, and you’ve demonstrated how to locate your most valuable pages – each post and page.
Pages on categories usually have many articles and posts similar to tags.
These tags will have H1 tags that are identical to articles. Still, they may only sometimes answer questions or offer the best solution because they’re article snippets and are only occasionally helpful to those seeking answers.
They’re classified as”thin content.
There’s a caveat, however.
Search Engine Journal, for instance, is an example of a WordPress website with categories devoted to niches and channels within channels.
For someone looking for information about an individual channel, it is possible to find a category quite useful. This is why you must take it differently than you would with the tag.
In this instance, you must create a meta-robot index and do follow tags. However, it would help if you also made distinctive titles and a copy of the category to introduce it. Also, if the schema is essential, you can add schema.
Now, you’ve defined the types of queries and individuals to display on your page.
It could be rewarding to index engines in exchange for this. Ensure that your pages are separate from your main web pages if you’re an organization.
Competing Topics
Another thing I observe when I audit WordPress websites is the need for more original content.
Let’s look at food bloggers. Sure, the recipe schema and other tools can aid in separating these recipes. But what happens if you’re not using it or didn’t realize it initially?
If you’ve got 20 different Chocolate chip cookie recipes, many likely use the exact words and ingredients, which could be causing some competition.
Each recipe is different and serves a distinct function, but you must make the extra effort and effort to show out because they compete.
You should create the cookies in a subcategory or category in this scenario. the cookies. If not, return to the cookies and include modifiers (e.g., chewy, spicy, savory to be used for parties, large numbers).
Then, you can add copy (not necessarily at the top because you want to communicate the recipe quickly to the customer) regarding the final product. Ensure that the text is relevant to the subject and clearly explains why it’s distinct from other recipes.
Are you looking for other examples?
Have you put together a themed gift guide or holiday blog? Have you seen any changes from last year? Mother’s Day craft ideas? Romantic Valentine’s Gifts for XYZ?
These need to be more distinctive. If you have several posts, they may all compete.
If you include a year in your name (e.g., the year 2016 or 2017), it could cause people to be able to pass you by on search engines due to not being relevant in this year’s market. The strategies discussed below can help.
Search Box URLs
I have yet to see this issue frequently, but the search boxes on WordPress websites may produce URLs.
If someone links externally to those URLs or search engines can scan and find them, they could be indexed.
Though you can incorporate the meta robots do follow, similar to the tags, that isn’t enough.
It would be best if you found the unique identifier search box URLs shared to tackle this issue. It’s typically an “?” after the principal URL.
Then, go to robots.txt and create a disallow parameter. If properly implemented, this will assist in reducing the duplicate or thin issues with content from these.
Automating systems automate many tasks and ease the burden; however, other issues can cause problems with thin or duplicate content.
Check out your website and see if you have any other sites.
These include the creation of PDF versions of the content, which are also indexable or alternative versions with quotes, which could be undesirable for posts that are short in length.
You may possess the RSS feed that posts content pages rather than short snippets and feeds only descriptions or titles (I think I’ve only seen this once, and it’s not a significant issue to be concerned about).
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