How To Automatically Generate Affiliate Income From A Curated Content Site

How To Automatically Generate Affiliate Income From A Curated Content Site

I’ve previously written about ways to make money through curated content sites. This time, I’m back with an additional twist:

Earning affiliate earnings from curating content in an automatic way.

I will demonstrate how to automatically curate content and insert relevant affiliate hyperlinks within the range. You’ll see the term “automatically” a lot.

The great thing about this approach is that following the initial setup, it’s almost hands-off. Everything is handled entirely through WordPress plugins.

I’ll also demonstrate how to respectfully and appropriately acknowledge the original creators.

Do you want to know more? Let’s get started…

What You’ll Need To Create An Automatic Content Curation Site With Affiliate Links

To follow this guide, you’ll need to require one free plugin and two premium plugins.

  • The WP RSS Aggregator This free plugin allows you to upload RSS feeds easily to your WordPress website.
  • Feed-to-Post Add-on The paid-for add-on for WordPress RSS Aggregator allows you to import RSS feed items into actual WordPress posts. This is crucial if you wish to include affiliate hyperlinks.
  • ThirstyAffiliates Professional: Besides aiding you in managing affiliate hyperlinks, this plugin allows you to link specific keywords to affiliate links. It can automatically incorporate affiliate links into the articles that WP’s RSS Aggregator/Feed To post imports.

How To Get Started: Your Step-By-Step Guide

I’ll provide you with detailed instructions for every step. Here’s the way this setup operates at a high level. You:

  1. Create ThirstyAffiliates to link specific keywords to your affiliate hyperlinks automatically.
  2. Use the WP RSS Aggregator and Feed To Post add-on Feed To Post add-on to load content from relevant sources, with credit to the head.
  3. Alternately, use keyword filters to limit the import of material you have an affiliate link for.

Let’s walk through it step-by-step…

Step 1: Configure Automatic Keyword Links In ThirstyAffiliates

ThirstyAffiliates is a well-known link-cloaking plugin with an unpaid version available on In this case, you’ll require the Pro version, however, since it has a great feature that automatically connects specific keywords on your website to affiliate links you designate.

To make use of it, be sure you’ve installed the Pro Version ( you’ll also need the accessible version to be installed to enable Pro to work).

Go to ThirstyAffiliates: Click the New Affiliate link on Your WordPress dashboard. On the top, you can provide it with a name and paste your Affiliate link into the URL to the Destination field. In this case, we’ll assume it’s an affiliate link for WooCommerce. WooCommerce Affiliate program.

Once you’ve completed that, go into the auto-link keywords section for fun. Within the field, you must enter the keywords you would like ThirstyAffiliates to link to automatically.

For instance, if you type in “WooCommerce,” ThirstyAffiliates will automatically connect the term “WooCommerce” to your affiliate link every time it appears in the content on your site.

For certain links, you may only require one keyword, whereas for others, you may want to utilize several.

In addition to your search terms, you can configure:

  • Limit – This will help you keep your text from overloading with affiliate links. It is done by setting the maximum number of affiliate links per keyword.
  • Auto link is enabled in headings. You can choose for yourself whether to connect words within the heading tag. For example, you can choose to link words inside.
  • Random placement: By standard, ThirstyAffiliates links the initial X times you mention the keyword. If you switch the feature on, it will choose random mentions.

After you’re done, save your link to liven things up.

Repeat this process for all of the affiliate links you wish to include automatically in your content curated by you.

You can also change your global setting for ThirstyAffiliates Autolinker’s functionality through ThirstyAffiliates Settings. Settings Autolinker :

Step 2: Configure Your Content Feeds

Once you’ve set up the affiliate link, it’s finished with ThirstyAffiliates. The next step is to create your automated curation of content. This will be achieved using the WP RSS Aggregator and The Feed to Post extension.

In the content hub section, you must choose the websites you’d like to curate. I’ll use the WP Mayor’s site as an example. However, selecting content from various sites is best to create a real content hub.

Head to RSS Aggregator Adds New on Your WordPress dashboard to start. In the upper right corner, enter the URL of the RSS feed of the website you’d like to manage ( learn how to locate a website’s RSS feed’s URL here):

Within the Feed to Post In the Feed to Post – General in the Feed to Post – General Feed to Post – Images sections, You can learn more about your Feed’s operations. You can turn these features on or off at any time; however, the default settings are fine.

If you would like to automatically create new content ( rather than holding it until manual approval), It is recommended to make sure that you set the Post Status to Published. However, it would help if you considered the following:

Within the Feed to Post in the Feed to Post Taxonomies section, You can assign specific tags or categories to particular content from this feed source. This will allow you to make your content more organized:

Further down in the Feed to post – Prepend to the content area; giving credit to the source using placeholders is possible. It is essential to respect the original content’s creator’s work. You should provide them with proper credit and an additional backlink.

For instance, you could use an example like this:

This post was first posted at “eed_name”|by ost_author_name|at} by ost_author_name|The author was ost_author_name.|*}

Automatically provide the attribution for each post you import:

You can also use the Append to the Content box if you prefer to acknowledge the credit after the imported text instead of before it.

Another option is Word trimming. It allows you to set the amount of words you can import and the maximum number of words you can import. Also, this will enable you to ensure that you give the proper credit to the author of the original post by just importing an excerpt to accompany the author credits ( rather than the entire text of the article):

After you’ve finished, be sure that you post your RSS feed. WP RSS Aggregator then begins to import content automatically from the Feed.

To add more sources of content, you can repeat the procedure with each RSS feed you wish to utilize.

Step 3: Use Keyword Filtering Add-On To Only Import Content With Affiliate Offers

Suppose you’re looking to go even higher. In that case, you can utilize the additional Keyword Filtering extension to WP RSS Aggregator to limit the import of feeds that you already know have the potential to be Affiliate links.

After installing this Keyword Filtering plugin, you will get a brand new feed with a Keyword Filtering option when you set the Feed. All you have to do is input the autolinked keywords you have set up using ThirstyAffiliates. Then, the WP RSS Aggregator can only accept content with one of these keywords autolinked by ThirstyAffiliates.


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